Have you ever purchased a fake designer bag? If so, you may want to think the
next time somebody on a avenue corner attempts to sell you a fake Louis Vuitton
or Marc Jacobs. A whole new law may be proposed which will make purchasing bogus
bags unlawful and could cause a fine and even jail time!
A bill was launched last year inside New York City to be able to discourage
ladies from acquiring fake artist bags, plus a councilwoman is now attempting to
push the idea through. If this law is actually passed, females who buy phony
bags (and they are caught) could possibly be fined as much as $1,000 as well as
face jail time. Before the expenses can be handed, it has to use front of your
public listening to that will likely be scheduled next few months.
The counterfeit Louis Vuitton Artsy tote business just isn't regulated, along with workers (frequently in third-world nations around the world) are paid terrible income while being exposed to unsafe doing work conditions. What is actually even worse: You're likely to be supporting kid labor and organized crime. It's been reported which more than 7 per cent of the nation's ann